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  • madeleineboth

Brainstorm Blog #2

I have a few different roads I could go down for this project. I started off with the idea of background noise videos that you find on YouTube. Then I turned from the ones that I like to listen to, to the actual assignment. There needed to be more of a story behind the audio, so I started brainstorming calming things to do. I started with the idea of going for a walk down the street and came up with the idea of the sounds of walking through a city. That got me thinking about walking in the woods, and in turn what sounds the woods make when no one is around. Looking up inspiration images for all these ideas led me to the idea of camping with friends. The path I go down will ultimately be decided by what audio files I can find/make during the working process. My favorite idea is camping by the fire with friends as I like the emotion that can be portrayed through the sounds. The end goal with this idea would be to have a nostalgic feeling. I want it to be centered around the idea of summer nights with friends either recent or ages ago that you look back on and feel a melancholy happiness to think about. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get the sounds I need from the shared drive, and I may have to use a different idea to utilize the sounds that I already have.

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